Stealth Facism

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Zucca-Xerfantes's avatar

I have to admit, I have rarely been as surprised at what this once proud nation has allowed to happen under “definitely NOT fascist” Obama as I was just now when I found this.

I've been trying to ease up a bit on my political bibbly since it's cost me friends, my first try at a college education and more.

So I’ve probably not been as vigilant about the fascist message embedded in Common Core (endorsed by Jeb Bush, the Establishment GOP’s latest golden boy for President in ’16) as I should have been. I sort of figured that it would be strangled in the crib as well it should be or just laughed to death.

Then I found this:

This is an actual homework assignment from Comm(unist) Core. Shorten sentences by using possessive nouns. All good. Until you look at the sentences that our youngsters are having hammered into their heads at a very young age which, might we add, is the very best age to indoctrinate the little ones with “eternal truths” because they are not yet old enough to apply critical thought to statements, which is what these are: Statements. Which, coming from teachers, will be adopted as truths by the impressionable little ones since that’s what children do. Tell your little child that the moon is made of cheese or that you’re a vampire, and they’ll believe it.

Rudyard Kipling (The author of a Jungle Book and many poems and essays) had one about what he referred to as the 'Gods of the Copy Book Headers'. For this bit, I defer this to the irrepressible Bill Whittle.

Common Core is trying to hijack the tromping grounds of the gods of the copy book headers.

Let's take a look, shall we?

1-3 are OK.

4 is questionable, as it proclaims that the president’s decisions are always “fair.” For values of “fair.” All YOUR child knows is that “fair” is “good”, so they’re being taught, AT AN AGE WHEN THEY’RE NEITHER TAUGHT NOR CAPABLE OF QUESTIONING THE WORDS OF ADULTS (sorry, we’re not a fan of using ALL CAPS, we dislike it intensely but it’s warranted here), that our Ear Leader always makes good decisions. Even though not all may disagree with them, helpfully pointed out earlier so we’re sure the little proto-slaves understand the lesson, they’re ALWAYS GOOD. So if you disagree with them you’re WRONG.

5. OK, now we’re moving into spooky territory. What that one basically says is that you must obey whatever government says. Forget about morals, ethics, Constitution, all of that nonsense, YOU. MUST. OBEY.

If their object is to shorten sentences, we can do it much better with the original German: “Befehl ist Befehl” (an order is an order).

If that doesn’t scare you, then get the fuck off of our planet. That is the BEDROCK of teaching kids to do whatever the government orders them to do, regardless of what that might mean. And what that might mean is things like this:

Yes, that’s Auschwitz. A perfect example of what happens when you teach the nation’s youth that “anything the government says, you must obey.”

Bah, you know what, I can already hear the Godwin's Law klaxon...

Here's another example. The Russian Gulag, where anyone who disagreed with the government was thrown...

And then there’s 6. Individuals’ needs don’t matter? In America? Again, we could have shortened that sentence even further for the Nazis in the DoE by using the original German: “Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz.” (The Common Good is more important than the good of the individual).

No, I'm not saying that O-bam-bam is planning to erecting extermination camps, that’s not the point. I'm trying to point out to you that he and his Democrat Socialists are building the foundations for a society where future governments can get away with that sort of thing.


If you control the youth, you control the future.

What is in that Common Core test up there is about the most chillingly un-American, fascistic, un-constitutional thing I’ve ever seen, and it chills me to the bone that Americans aren’t already putting every one of these monsters' feet to the fire, because if this is not stopped, strangled right now…

Well then... history will repeat itself.


All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.

Did I mention that the Establishment GOP is pushing for Jeb Bush to be the next GOP nominee, somebody who actually ENDORSES Common Core?

If he becomes the nominee, I'm staying at home.

Perhaps what this country really needs is a smack across the chops of her own.

Because obviously Common SENSE has fuck all of a chance to succeed here.

That is all.

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phspopular's avatar
Glad to know someone on here other than me knows of the problems with Common Core! I call it Rotten Core. Sickening.